Notiziario Marketpress di
Mercoledì 29 Giugno 2005
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Brussels, 29 June 2005 - The Eu-china Aviation Summit, which is jointly organised by the European Commission and the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China (Caac) will take place in Beijing on 30 June – 1 July 2005. It aims at enhancing political and industrial co-operation between China and the Eu in the aviation sector. China is one of the world’s fastest growing aviation markets and of strategic importance to the Eu and its industry. China is also taking a lead in market opening in Asia. “The Eu and its industry have much to offer China in the run-up to the 2008 Olympics in Beijing and the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai”, said Vice-president Jacques Barrot before leaving for China. “The Eu-china Aviation Summit is an excellent opportunity for bringing together top-level policy makers and industry executives to identify priority areas for future co-operation”. The Summit will be chaired by Vice-president Jacques Barrot and Minister Yang Yuanyuan for Civil Aviation. The European delegation includes 150 representatives from airlines, airports, aerospace industries, national governments and the European Commission. A similar number of Chinese participants will attend. A parallel exhibition on Eu and China aviation opportunities and co-operation will be organised. Highlights of the issues to be addressed include: Market trends (passenger and cargo markets) and political and regulatory developments in China and the Eu including the increasing emphasis on market opening and consumer benefits arising from competition. Infrastructure plans and opportunities for sustainable investment in both markets. Aviation safety and security policies and scope for regulatory co-operation. Air traffic management and the potential for co-operation in the Eu’s Single European Sky technology and industrial programme, Sesame. Future Eu-china co-operation in civil aviation including technical assistance and industrial co-operation. Vice-president Barrot will have a bilateral meeting with the Chinese Minister for Civil Aviation to discuss future co-operation between China and the Eu. This meeting will take place on 29 June. In March 2005, the Commission presented a Communication on a European civil aviation policy towards China and requested a mandate from the Council to negotiate a comprehensive open aviation area agreement with this country (Ip/05/288). As a first step, such an agreement should provide legal certainty to existing bilateral air services agreements between Member States and China, which are unsustainable following the “open skies” judgements of the European Court of Justice. However, the agreement should go further and establish an ambitious framework for aviation relations between the Eu and China. It should include a process of gradual market opening, regulatory convergence and technical and industrial co-operation. The Commission expects that such a comprehensive open aviation agreement would entail significant economic benefits to both sides. The Council is currently discussing at working group level the request for a negotiation mandate by the Commission. Such an agreement would be an important contribution to the strategic partnership between the Eu and China. Vice-president Barrot will also meet with Vice Prime Minister Huang Ju, Communications Minister Zhang Chunxian, Railway Minister Liu Zhijun and the Vice Minister for Science and Technology, Ma Songde, to discuss cooperation on Galileo and general transport policies. The programme for the Summit : http://www.Euchinaaviationsummit.com